RISE debates impact of clinical research on society at FMUP event

The meeting will be held on October 25 in the Auditorium of the Medical Research Center of the Faculty of Medicine
The impact of clinical research on society will be the event’s central theme, which will bring together national and international politicians and researchers at the Auditorium of the Medical Research Center of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP) on October 25.
Titled “RISE Day: The Societal Impact of Clinical Research,” the event organized by the Associated Laboratory RISE – Health Research Network will feature the participation of Fernando Schmitt, coordinator of RISE, David Zielinski, Executive Director of Harvard Catalyst, and researchers Adelino Leite-Moreira (UniC@RISE/FMUP), Carmen Jerónimo (CI-IPOP@RISE/ICBAS), Fernando Magro (CINTESIS@RISE/FMUP), Luís Azevedo (CINTESIS@RISE/FMUP), and Conceição Calhau (CINTESIS@RISE/NOVA). MEP Maria da Graça Carvalho will also participate in a remote discussion on health research programs and emerging societal challenges.
At “RISE Day: The Societal Impact of Clinical Research,” the morning will be dedicated exclusively to RISE researchers.
Starting at 9 a.m., RISE-integrated researchers and their students will be able to present their research. Nuno Vale, Luís Azevedo, Elisa Keating (CINTESIS@RISE/FMUP), Inês Falcão Pires (UnIC@RISE/FMUP), and Susana Constantino (CCUL@RISE/FMUL) will present the RISE projects. The morning session will also feature presentations by young researchers from the research units that make up the Associated Laboratory. Registration is for researchers only and can be done here.
The second part of the event, starting at 2 pm, is open to the public and will include an opening session by Altamiro da Costa Pereira, Director of FMUP, and Nuno Sousa, Vice President of AICIB – Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation. Admission is free with prior registration. See the program here.
According to Fernando Schmitt, RISE’s coordinator, the organization wants the event to “promote greater integration among researchers” and “allow civil and scientific society to become aware of RISE, what it is, what it is for, and what opportunities it can create in terms of clinical research,” he points out. According to the researcher, the Associated Laboratory “can contribute to stimulating and improving the quality of clinical research in Portugal, which can translate into a better quality of care for patients and even, in the long term, a reduction in health care costs.”
At the end of the event, a protocol will be signed to reinforce the role and objectives of RISE – Health Research Network.
RISE was created in 2021 through the merger of CINTESIS – Center for Health Technology and Services Research and UnIC – Cardiovascular Research Center, two research units based at FMUP, with CCUL – Cardiovascular Center of the University of Lisbon and CI-IPOP (Research Center of the Portuguese Oncology Institute of Porto – IPO-Porto).
Currently, the Associated Laboratory has more than 455 integrated Ph.D. researchers.